Metabolic Nutrition Program 

The beginning of our comprehensive beautiful mind, and body program.

Change the Relationship with Food, Mind, and Body

Each body and every lifestyle are different. Find a solid healthy relationship with food that lasts for your lifetime!
Many nutrition programs are focus on rapid weight loss or “bulk up” in a relatively short period of time. However, this program is based on scientific nutritional guidelines working along with hormonal and phycological elements to redefine the relationship with food. Each client will receive a tailored and customized program for his/her needs.

- One on one customized macro calculations
- Education about how food nurtures your body and mind
- Weekly review of your eating patterns and adjustment of macro

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Nutrition & Macro Monthly Subscription

Custom monthly nutrition and macro calculation program that will kickstart your weight-loss journey! 

Nutrition is the Key Component of Successful Weight Management:
Exercising Never Overcomes Bad Eating Habits!

Focusing on your physical training without prioritizing your nutrition plan is the pitfall that many people fall into, yet, there are still many people who hope to somehow compensate for the bad habit by simply working out more. Educate yourself on the role of nutrition is the key to the success of having a healthy body and mind.

The two most important nutritional factors that will determine your success:

• Establish an eating pattern that you can apply for the long term by observing your overall body and mental observation such as sleepy, craving, energy mood, hunger.
• The macronutrient distribution of your calorie intake (TDEE). The primary law of thermodynamics which is immutable calorie in versus calories out ultimately determines whether weight is gained lost or maintained (Brad Schoenfeld 1962)

Macros or macronutrients are mainly comprised of three groups:
• Carbohydrates
• Protein

Roles of Protein - Macro of Strength

Protein is a major component of our body such as bones and muscles as well as soft tissues. Protein is also used to repair any damaged tissue of our body.

Establish your meal on protein. Choose your proteins wisely. Many nutritionists recommend following food sources as your main protein. When choosing protein, try to purchase organically raised livestock. You will pay a little more but it is worth it. Eating organically results in a leaner cut of meat that contains a healthier profile of essential fat.  

Fish: A nutritional home run. White-colored fish are low in fat whereas pink-colored fish are full of healthy omega-3 fat. Be care of mercury content.
Poultry: Recommend white meat. When purchasing ground poultry, make sure the ground breast meat. Eating dark turkey meat hamburger is the same as eating a regular hamburger!
Beef: Limit to leaner cuts such as sirloin, flank, filet, and round steak. Try to explore alternative game meats such as venison or buffalo.
Bean: Great vegetarian protein sources. They're loaded with fiber that helps you feel full for hours.
Dairy: A great source of protein. Try to find non rBST milk. Nuts and seeds – Some grains such as quinoa and nuts contain as much protein as animal-based protein. 

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Roles of Carbohydrates in Our Body– Macro of Fuel

Carbohydrates will be stored in the liver as well as the muscles in the form of glycogen. The body uses glycogen as a source of fuel first before tapping into fat for energy. Many people tried to avoid carbohydrates but they are crucial food groups for maintaining the central nervous system, kidney, and muscle functions. 

Fruits: Simplest forms of carbohydrates. Fast to observe by our body. Many of them also contain potassium which regulates fluid balance, lowering blood pressures, and many more benefits. Excellent sources right before and after the rigorous workout.
Vegetables: An excellent source of energy. They also contain micronutrients that the body cannot produce.
Starchy carbohydrates: White rice and white wheat has a higher Glycemic Index (GI) where is whole wheat and brown rice have a lower GI. Wild rice has the lowest GI. Try to consume starchy carbohydrates earlier the day while you are more active.

Roles of Fats - Macro of Support

Fats are important for good health and proper functioning of the body. Fats are the main components of our human cells especially your brain, your eye lens. They are a source of energy, essential fats and enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. The primary sources of fat in the meal plans should come from oils and nuts rather than animal protein-based fats. Oils and nuts are often unsaturated with an emphasis on omega-9s and omega-3s.

Water - Source of Detoxifier

Water is integrally involved in maintaining bodily function. It facilitates the cell’s ability to send a chemical message and communicate with other cells to regulate body temperature and control the production and metabolism of energy. It facilitates the kidney’s function to flush the toxin out of the body. This is important especially if you increase the amount of protein intake which can be hard for our kidneys and liver. Most urologists recommend taking at least 8-ounce glasses of water a day.

Additional Considerations for Individuals 50+ and women – Hormonal imbalance

In older individuals, the protein synthesis rates deaccelerate compared to younger individuals (Padon-Jones et al, 2003) Therefore, it is important to have adequate rest to repair the muscle tear that you created during the training. Training smart way and strategy your training will make a huge impact on your results. Some study also suggested consuming foods are rich in leucine in your diet shown to be benefit older individuals engaging in resistant training by providing a larger boost in muscle protein synthesis and suppressing skeletal muscle breakdown (Nowson & O’Connell 2015)

Foods that are rich in leucine include cheese, chicken, nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, quinoa, and fish. Protein supplement (Protein powder) also helpful not only because it makes it easier to hit your protein goal but also because research suggests that protein (such as whey or) results in a substantial anabolic effect particularly for order individuals- meaning that it might become increasingly effective as you age (Katsanos et al. 2008) 

Macronutrients Adjustment for Fat Loss and Hormone Balance

As I explained previously, the principle of rules is based on TDEE, whether lowering or increasing your total calorie from your TDEE. However, you also have to consider the function of hormones that affect fat gain. There are two important hormones that you need to consider – insulin and cortisol. Insulin controls the sugar level in your blood and Cortisol controls the conversion of sugar to be stored as fat in your body. Both hormones play an important in the nutritional aspect. Thus, not only adjusting macronutrients based on TDEE but also analyzing how the body and your feeling of hunger, mood, sleep, appetite create a solid eating plan. This integrated method will provide a solid foundation for your lifelong change of eating habits and establish a healthy lifestyle.